
Sunday, 1 December 2013

Some Sketches

Hello there, today for Sunday Sketches I am posting two pictures I have completed over the last week or so.  I feel the need to work on my figure drawing.  I am not entirely happy with the first one.  But can’t quite figure out why?  I think perhaps it’s the position of the head of the boy second from the end.

The next picture I am happy with, I just don’t like the colour scheme, lol!

That young girl reminds me of myself as a kid, By all accounts whenever I painted I made a big mess!

Have a great week.


  1. Love your drawings! I really like the grey tones. Don't see anything wrong with it really, although you may be right about the boy's head .... Doesn't bother me though ;-)

  2. Lol I make a mess now, never mind when i was a kid! I really love your first drawing. I think It has a lovely vintage feel. You have caught the children's characters so well. I can't see any problem with the boys face,

  3. These are lovely, I can't find fault!

  4. They're both lovely! The second one is especially sweet!

  5. You really did a great job! The figures are wonderful!
