
Friday, 9 November 2012

A Girly Moment

Before I start I will apologize to all blonds as this week I had a blond episode.

I haven't done much in the way of art over the last fortnight. I woke up one morning and looked at my house and garden and thought, 'wow, the place is filthy!' Cobwebs were starting to engulf me, and as for the garden, people cant get to my front door because of triffid like geraniums and creeping carpet roses that attack passerby legs. (I use the back door where a daisy bush showers me with petals as I pass.) So I set to and started the mammoth task of tidying up. Its spring right, there must be something inside of us that makes us notice the filth when spring arrives. I got everything sorted inside and then started on the outside. I was living in a jungle. But I licked it. Now I have a heap of stuff ready for composting and burning.

Feeling pleased with myself, I rubbed my hands and thought back to my art with a clear conscience. Ha! I got girly all of a sudden, and wanted to pretty everything up! I went to the market and bought lots of flowers for the garden and pretty china for the house. I also bought new bed linen and throws for the lounge, I am ashamed to say that there was a lot of pink!

That is not all, I went to the hardware store and brought a mini greenhouse so I could grow pretty delicate flowers. You had to assemble it. So spurning offers from my friend's husband to help, I started. Three hours later I was tearing my hair out, it was like those skits you see of people trying to put tents up. I went inside and sulked.
I idly picked up the packaging and a sheet of paper fell out – the instructions. I made a longed for cup of tea and read them. It looked so simple, so had another cuppa and heaved a great sigh and went out again with the instructions firmly in my hand. Well! I had it up in no time. The moral of the story don't be a blond, read the instructions! (Although, I got to say I know a lot of men who also don't read instructions and then get into a fit of temper when it doesn't work, so once again apologies to blonds)

Needless to say I am now back at my computer desk and paint table playing with glee and a clear conscience.

Oh and I have asked my friends to give me a severe slap if I start to wear flowery dresses and skirts etc - especially pink!

Linking to Paint Party Friday

PS. Was Telling my sister about my antics with the Greenhouse and she kindly reminded me that I was a blond up to the age of 8!


  1. Great story, gorgeous photo...Sometimes instructions are not helpful...but only sometimes :)

  2. Haha, I can see the scenes right in front of me! Enjoyed this post very much, and don't be ashamed to like pink! It's a gorgeous colour, embrace it! Come to think of it: I would love to have bright pink sheets.... might go on a shopping spree myself ;-)

  3. see - once a blonde always a blonde!! Great post and there's nothing wrong with a bit of pink!

  4. I wish I had no idea what you were talking about in this post- but as I was chuckling reading it- I was reminded of the multiple times I've ignored directions. And those times didn't go well...Happy PPF!

  5. My 11 year old used to love pink and now she shuns it as part of an "I'm grown up now" phase where she also rejects juice of any kind, peanut butter, and anything with velcro. Hopefully she'll get over it because pink is such a fun color. Enjoy your sheets and greenhouse.

  6. I was smiling through this whole post. There is some sort of trigger when spring hits that its time for change about the house. Good for you for the tidy up, shopping spree and new greenhouse. Sounds like spring has ushered in some wonderful changes. Looking forward to seeing what it does to your art! Happy PPF

  7. Terrific post and love the sound of your house and garden. Its nearly winter here and look forward to the first days of spring. Happy PPF, Annette x

  8. you were so cute... and I am so bad with the instruction thing that Sinus takes over all such projects to save my sanity... as to the triffid garden... didn't know there was any other kind!!!!

  9. Sounds like you have lots of momentum, Sharon!
    I have to take care of all the leaves this weekend! :)
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  10. nice work and message! I do tend to read the instructions!

  11. Great post sharon, I can just imagine it! but well done for getting your spring cleaning out of the way! Now you can make art all through summer, autumn and winter with a clear conscience:)lol

  12. Loved this post, from the spring cleaning to the not reading instructions and your image with the funny quote! Sounds familiar! :)
    It always boggles my mind when you on the other side of this globe speak about spring, when our winter is just starting! :)
    I have pink phases, too!

  13. Wonderful post and awesome creation ~ spiritual colors ~ lovely ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  14. I love your splash of pink art!

    Happens to us all, first the froth of cleanliness, followed by having to assemble something that will finish off the fit of tidiness. I have learned the hard way, NEVER EVER EVER tighten the screws until the whole thing is assembled. Something will be backward or upside down and you will have the devil's own time loosening those screws so you can do it right.

  15. Good grief, who do you think writes those instructions, never turn down an offer from a man to help putting something together, it's in their blood!!!! I love the idea of a mini-greenhouse. Brilliant, didn't know they made them. Blessings, Janet PPF

  16. I am currently growing out my blond locks and going for the gray! I think I try to do things first and then resort to directions. Did just that today with my new printer/scanner.
    Your pink art rocks! , Hppf!

  17. First off, there is NEVER enough pink....EVER!! LOL! This is coming from a woman who has a gypsy pink living,dinning room and entrance way!!Tastefully done of course!!! My son in law helped pick the color and has the coolest pink and black shoes. I once owned a beautiful home with corian pink counter tops and pink tile floors.... had a pink lights on my Christmas tree and house!! My daughter had a pink bedroom.... You have inspired a pink post....I have done a purple one...but I should do a pink one!! Wear pink if you love it, be yourself!!! Pink beautiful on most people!!

    This was a funny post, and kudos to you for getting the housework out of the way! Now you will be way more creative. I was forced to do some housework last week because I had an out of town visitor... Sometimes that's the best way to get it done!!

    Love your artwork and young girl still look the same!! Adorable!! Have a great week!

    Hugs Giggles

  18. I am so bad with instructions! I get that... it was a nice read :)

  19. Haha! What a great post - and I am in love with all things girly - so I would happily brave the bushes to get to your front door ;) Have fun, xoxo
