
Friday, 15 February 2013

Dare to be Different

Face 15

Last week I was taken with a picture from Lynn Cohen’s blog.  It was one of the customers in her café scenes.  The lady with big purple hair.  It reminded me of a person I know locally.  In the ten or so years I have known her she has always had various shades of pink hair- and I mean shocking pink.  She is not a young lady, so it takes you aback when you are close up.  In the city she might meld in, but in a conservative rural town she stands out.  She once told me that people can see the pink well before she arrives and if they can’t handle her they have a chance to scarper! 

All week I have been thinking on how we want to be different from the norm.  Some of us have the courage and some of us don’t. The above lady is someone who always when she leaves her house puts on a little cap with feathers, they are real feathers and fluffy fake ones, she is a tiny little thing and she told me the feathers make her feel bigger!  I have drawn her lots over the years.  Here are two.  

Both these ladies have the courage to be different, however I wonder.  I suspect they are using their flamboyancy as a tool to hide behind.
  I have only counted the first face in the challenge as the others I did earlier.

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  1. Love the paintings and the stories about the ladies. You might be right about them using their flamboyancy to hide behind. Still, I can't help but like those old ladies. I find usually they're very interesting and they have the courage to be different.

  2. Beautiful artwork!!! Very interesting analogy on the flamboyant. My eyes love to feast on the unique. It brings me joy!! I think you will find the "Advanced style" blog very interesting.... you can google search it!

    It's been my experience the unique colorful people are usually artists and it's just a great way to express who they are!! Love the purple haired people!!!

    Have a great weekend....fabulous art today!!

    Hugs Giggles

  3. I like your analogy with the hiding behind flamboyance... I think it is a great point... and love the illustrations of them... and your colour... so bright and fresh...xx

  4. Dare to be different! Great caption, though sometimes you don't have a choice, or some people don't! I don't, for instance, though my outward appearance has melted in with the crowd ;-)
    It can be lonely at times to be different, luckily I have a wonderful husband and children who love me as I am! :-)

    Great pictures all of them!

    And I can't believe how lucky I am, to receive your letter!!! Thank you once again!

    Ilona <3

  5. Fantastic post and artwork!

  6. What fun these are! You could get to know the purple haired lady and find out what the story is behind her hair...

  7. Love the expressiveness, Sharon!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  8. You have a great ability to improvise, good for you. Saludos

  9. What fun, Sharon! You are acquainted with some real characters. I enjoyed what you wrote about being different. Both my daughter and my granddaughter march to their own drummers. Not me. I just want to blend in and not be noticed.

  10. Hiding behind flamboyance is so true. I guess its a way to be out in the open, yet not showing your true self. So interesting. Beautiful work.

  11. hi Sharon,
    wonderful to see your colorful and expressive faces.

  12. Loving your terrific faces they are so much fun and I love them. The art spread is terrific also.
    Happy PPF, Annette x

  13. Hi Sharon, love your faces, and the story with the pink haired lady is priceless! It is hard to be different, but sometimes we have to! Valerie

  14. i agree with your post.. and being unique takes courage indeed! Some hide behind their mask but some just want to be different! Creative faces!

  15. Love that my pink haired lady reminded you of yours! Mine, btw is over 80 yrs young!
    Love all your faces today! Hide, standout, we are so many personalities. I think I swing between those two.

  16. Beautiful ...I love the expressive faces and gorgeous energy vibing from them..beautiful spirits! I was labeled different my whole life..I don't know any other way to I am simply me! Loved your insights and thoughts. I love expressive people..some may be using it as a mask..while may simply feel totally natural to them. Our whole human-cloak is a mask..we are all simply beautiful and unique spirits shining deep within. Loved this fabulous post! Wonderful art!

  17. I love these paintings, based on factual people but so creatively adorned with gorgeous colors and exciting compositions!
