
Sunday, 13 January 2013


Friday has come and I haven't done any sketching.  Oops!  One of my goals out the window,  ah ha, I thought all is not lost,  monoprints!  I was tidying up my oil painting gear,  I have a very small space where I do my art work so have to be relatively tidy.  Which is alien to my normal character.  So I got my roller out and spread the paint over my glass sheet which I use as a palette.  I had been using blues a lot this week so was able to mix and not get mud!  The above is the first go.  I drew into the paint on the glass with the end of a paint brush and a the edge of some card, and used rice paper to take the print.

Next, I spread out the paint again, and laid some cartridge paper over the glass and drew a face in pencil, then lifted the paper of and voila.  I think it looks like a stone statue!  The darker bits are where I used my fingers to press the paper onto the glass in the hope of creating shadow.

I looked at the glass and there was still a smear of paint there so spread it out this time with a cloth.  Then used some rice paper again as it is very sensitive.  Then on the back with a ballpoint pen drew this lovely.  I had to press quite hard to pick up the paint, I lifted the paper up to have a peep.  I think she looks quite Edwardian, Watching too much  Downton Abbey!  (Is that how you spell it.)

So my sketching done for this week and my palette cleaned – waste not want not! 

The scripture I am taking with me into the coming week is:
  Never let go of loyalty and faithfulness.
 Tie them around your neck;
 write them on your heart.
 Pro 3:3 GNB

Have a lovely week creating my fellow dream makers.

 Linking with Sunday Sketches


  1. You've had a great result with your monoprints!

  2. The first one looks very celestial - a face in the stars!!

    After watching Downton I found myself measuring the distance between my cutlery when I laid the table. Carson would have been proud!

  3. I think these are all lovely and so creative I don't think I've done monoprinting before I really like the different ways you used the equipment and materials I think the last one is my favourite, very Edwardian indeed :0)

  4. Sharon, these are great. Love the technique you've used. Am putting that on my list of things to do with my kids at school. I'm imagining the mess and fun and the parents complaints of paint on clothes....oh yes yes's a must. :) have a great Sunday and Happy New Year..x

  5. I have done a bit of monoprinting - but not for ages now. I love the blues you used here - very special.

    Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

  6. these are cool - i admire your printing talent. enjout your sunday!

  7. All are wonderful ~ my favorite is the last one ~ such talent!

    ( A Creative Harbor)

  8. These are wonderful, expressive! Cool effect!

  9. Hello friend..I may have to come back and revisit , for I cannot see any of the art work posted here! Maybe a glitch! I know they are beautiful!

  10. Love the results of your prints...gorgeous! Happy SS

  11. What a great way to use up the paint! And such different results - love them all.

  12. Oh Sharon, these are really beautiful! love them!
